Honda eNy1 Car comes with various specifications like range, battery, top speed, seats, availability, price, performance, and many more. The price of Honda eNy1 electric car varies from country to country.
By reviewing all the details of Honda eNy1 EV car mentioned here, you can easily decide whether to buy or not. Also, do compare it with other new or used Honda Electric Cars running in the market and clear your last-moment confusion prior to your purchase.
With an ideal blend of performance, Honda eNy1 lives up to its hype. It comes with an impressive range i.e. 360 km per charge thus eliminating the hassle of charging every time.
Honda eNy1 Performance Specifications will lift your mood for sure. Its quickest acceleration as little as 7.6 sec gives you complete stability even at higher speeds and in all weather conditions thus making it an ideal choice.
Honda eNy1 uses a lithium-ion battery and gives you the industry's best battery ranges. Below we have stated the average mileage the Honda eNy1 can offer. However, how long the Honda eNy1 battery last will depend on various factors like your driving style and also weather conditions.
The Supercharger network of the Honda eNy1 is by far the best choice. Charge times differ based on a variety of factors. The three levels of charging will cater to your needs and here is a breakdown of charging speeds.
The Supercharger network of the Honda eNy1 is by far the best choice. Charge times differ based on a variety of factors. The three levels of charging will cater to your needs and here is a breakdown of charging speeds.
Honda eNy1 Towing Capacity details are mentioned here. Actually, Honda eNy1 has 0 braked towing weight and unbraked towing weight. Tow hitch is also not possible for this electric car.
1. What are the prices of the Honda eNy1 car in different countries?
The prices of the Honda eNy1 electric car in various countries are €48,750 in The Netherlands, and €47,590 in Germany.
2. Can I Find EMI Option to buy Honda eNy1?
Yes, you can find an EMI option to buy Honda eNy1 electric cars at
3. What is the power of Honda eNy1 EV car?
Honda eNy1 electric car has a maximum power of 150 kW (204 PS).
4. What is the seating capacity in Honda eNy1 electric car?
The seating capacity in Honda eNy1 car is 5.
5. Where is the location of the Honda eNy1 charging port?
The charging port location of Honda eNy1 car is Front Side - Middle.
6. What is the total torque of Honda eNy1 car?
310 Nm is the total torque of Honda eNy1 car.